Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Its Official

Well, I did it. I joined something to help me lose weight. I went with Weight Watchers for several reasons. One-cost. It is reasonable. Silly I have reached the point that I am paying someone to help me do what I know I need to and am suppossed to do but alas, that is one of my consequences. So I am glad that they offer an affordable program for me to utilize. Two-people's success at the program. I have never met anyone who did not lose on WW. They put up some incredible numbers. I was very disheartened by the number of people who gained back but I am hopeful that I am making a "habit" of eating healthy and exercising. I don't want to make all these changes and then go back. I do not want to stay this way. Finally-food choice. I like that I don't have to say no to things I want. Like yesterday, I ate Taco Bell. Normally, "dieting" I would have felt guilty and then eaten anything I wanted for the rest of the day BUT I used my allotted points didn't go over and didn't have to feel bad. So, I'll keep you all posted. As for me know, I think I am crazy because I had 5 kids who are fighting at the moment. Not really common for us but since the dynamics have been changing with who is home this summer and who isn't and what each kid is doing we have had a lot more of it going on. I'm beginning to think there is something to us being crazy ;-)

1 comment:

  1. So how's it going. I came by your blog to see if you had posted some awesomeness and you have!! I promise to visit here more often. I love and miss you! I am looking forward to following your "He said, She said" ;0)
