Monday, January 19, 2009

Getting Started

Well, people keep telling me I need to write a book. Seeing as how I'm crazy and all for even trying this-I thought I might just start with a blog. That and all my friends are doing it! Just kidding, well not really, they are all doing it but that has never been my style to follow the trend. Since you might be totally unfamiliar with my story, here is the brief run down and the backstory to the journey that we're going to start together.

I was 17 years old when I met my future husband. At nineteen we were married. At 20 pregnant with our first child. 11 months after Ra (pronounced Ray) was born, Ru came along. In 2001, Ki joined the pic, followed by JG in 2003. Ikey man rounded out the crew in 2006. When JG was 8 months old I started back to college for my nursing degree. We moved to Texas in 2004 and in 2008, I finally started the last two years, the clinical years of my nursing degree. We started homeschooling our kids in 2005 (here is where people start with the "are ya'll serious" which will in moments lead to "are ya'll crazy?"). My husband is a teacher full-time and a worship leader/guitarist part-time. We volunteer at church and in community activities and we always make time for family and friends.

I go to school full-time during the day. Mom in the evenings and study at night. I hope that gives you a little background and hopefully we'll find some humor from here. I don't know how personal I'll ever get but it will always be real. I'd write more now but I have 5 kids and I'm in nursing school, so well frankly, I don't have the time! Have a great day and welcome to my crazy life!